Let me preface by saying Im using Windows PC, so cant speak on Mac functionality.
I was able to get it to work with both locally executed files I exported & downloaded to PC, and also with presentations hosted on Prezis site.
1) Download & open app on Apple device.
2) Open browser on PC & navigate to "arlamowski.pl/iRemote"
3) Towards bottom of page, find download links for Windows & Mac. There are 2 places you can download, one section with double right arrows in front of the link and at the very bottom just above ad space under the heading "Zalaczniki".
4) Extract zip files on desktop, or wherever you downloaded the file. Run "iPresenter" executable file (NOTE: It does not install on your OS, rather just runs locally from the folder).
5) A window will pop up with a QR code on it (NOTE: You might also get a Windows Firewall Security Alert. If so, check boxes for both network types and Allow Access).
6) Go back to Apple device being used for remote, and under "Connection" tab, tap the blue Quick Start text and your camera should engage.
7) Scan the QR code on your computer screen. Your Apple device should display a prompt indicating youre connected, the server address will populate on the app screen, and youll get a pop up on your computers notification tray stating "the remote controller was successfully connected".
8) On the Apple device app, switch to "Presenter" tab (bottom right of screen).
9) Load Prezi presentation either from local folder on computer or from hosted link on Prezis site.
10) Tap arrows on Apple app to navigate through frames.
NOTE REGARDING RANGE: I got pretty good range with this app, tested it at 15 feet with iPhone behind a wall out of direct site with laptop and it progressed through frames perfectly.
LoganS_2014 about Prezi Remote